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首页 » 泰国剧 » Real Fake » 第09集
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《Real Fake》剧情简介
《Real Fake》电视剧更新至第09集免费在线观看百度云,西瓜影音播放器在播放免费观看Viu Original制作上线 about “Gob” a young tourist police who becomes famous in social as a representative of TAT, tries to chase the counterfeit gangster which runs by “Real” a charming, witty girl from orphaned home. One day, she finds a mysterious bag contains millions of US cash that leads her to become involved in a counterfeit money trade. Will “Gob” help “Real” for real or just to impress the social fake life? Who’s real and who’s fake? This could end up with love or loss, one way or another.
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