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《午夜人魔.BD中字》电影更新至第1集免费在线观看百度云,西瓜影音播放器在播放免费观看A police officer, Nicola, violently argues with his rich wife, Sarah, because of her affair with a man, and goes to his female friend, Anne, a psychologist\/ professor. But Sarah was murdered in the bathroom of the house, and most parts of the police think Nicola is the primary suspect, except Piero, an inspector of the case, who realises that what the still-unknown-murderer really wants is his daughter, Carol who is one of the students of Anne... If one expect something cinematically new in this film, (s)he will be disappointed strictly because there is almost nothing new. But (s)he is a fun of Giallo films, I think (s)he can love this because whole the film consisted of selective elements of Giallo films, notably of Dario Argento's TENEBRE and FOUR FLIES ON GREY VELVET. For instance, the music composer of this film is Claudio Simonetti of the GOBLIN (and he does an excellent job here), and Lara Wendel of TENEBRE's youngest victim, Maria, plays the short-haired fair heroine, Carol (and her boyish attractiveness adds a fresh atmosphere to the film). But above all, particularly with the regard to the plot, the influence of FOUR FLIES ON GREY VELVET is much stronger, and one can even say this film is a post-TENEBRE remake of it.