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首页 » 泰国剧 » 遮心之帘 » 第01集
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《遮心之帘》电视剧更新至第01集免费在线观看百度云,西瓜影音播放器在播放免费观看Fuenglada studies at a boarding school and her father lives with his new wife Soithong and step daughter Soisoun. One day on the way to see Fuenglada, her father had an accident with Taen's car and passes away. Taen is a rich widower with two children and lives with his brother Tai. On knowing that Soithong is trying to sell Fuenglada to an old chinese man, he offers to marry her himself and thus begins their marriage life. Path to a peaceful love is not easy with Tai being suspicious of Fuenglada's family and Soithong trying to make Soun closer to Taen.